What are hyaluronic dermal fillers?

Hyaluronic dermal fillers are hyaluronic acid-based materials which are injected into the surface and deeper layers of the skin, especially of the face with the aim to correct wrinkles, creases, skin folds, scars and eyebags, to shape face contours and add volume (to cheeks and lips most commonly), which results in a non-surgical facelift.

They are also used to fill up the wrinkles on the neck and cleavage, and by using special application methods they can treat other parts of the body, such as hands.

What types of dermal fillers are there?

There are different types of dermal fillers. They can be based on: hyaluronic acid, collagen, fat tissue, silicone, etc. There are permanent (e.g. silicone) and temporary dermal fillers or implants (e.g. hyaluronic acid). Temporary dermal fillers dissolve gradually so they need to be reapplied over and over again in order to maintain the desired effect.

The most commonly used dermal fillers in our office are hyaluronic dermal fillers Restylane, Anteis and Juvederm.

What are the advantages of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers over other dermal fillers?

The advantages of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers over other dermal fillers lie in their biocompatibility and biodegradability. Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in the human skin. As a natural polysaccharide, it is an important structural element in dermal, subdermal and connective tissues, as well as in the synovial tissue and liquid and has an important role in regulating water balance and wound healing, also enabling good hydration. As a result of the natural aging process which usually begins in our 20s, our skin starts to lose hyaluronic acid as well as collagen, subcutaneous fat and elasticity. Due to that and under the influence of gravity and repetitive movements of facial muscles, wrinkles are formed, face and lips lose their volume and the skin becomes tired and sagging. Hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers replace the hyaluronic acid naturally lost by the body. They are produced biotechnologically in a sterile laboratory environment in the form of a sterile translucent gel. The advantage of modern fillers is that they are temporary, as opposed to old silicone fillers, and more durable compared with old collagen fillers. The additional advantage of those fillers is the fact that they do not require allergy testing since they are not of animal origin, as opposed to collagen fillers which are derived from animal collagen. Both natural and injected hyaluronic acid are broken down by the same hyaluronidase enzyme (found in our body), which makes the gel naturally disappear from the body so it can be considered safe and harmless.

How do hyaluronic dermal fillers add volume to the treated skin?

Hyaluronic dermal filler applied to a certain layer of the skin lifts the skin surface by its own volume and thus fills up the wrinkle or increases the volume. Since dermal fillers come in a range of different densities, it is possible to regulate how much volume you want to add, whether you want to fill up wrinkles or correct them, depending on the desired effect. They additionally increase the skin volume due to hydrophilic properties of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid binds water molecules to itself and thus increases its own volume and integrates with the surrounding collagen. Recent medical studies have shown that the natural reaction of the human body to hyaluronic acid injections is to create more collagen, which improves and extends the effects of those treatments.

When to opt for hyaluronic dermal fillers?

Hyaluronic dermal fillers are a perfect solution when you want to decrease face wrinkles or add volume to your lips and cheeks which give your face a natural-looking youthful appearance. The most hateful wrinkles which make you look older than you really are include: frown lines on your forehead between your eyebrows, forehead wrinkles (which are, as well as laugh lines, best treated by botox injections, although they can also be filled by dermal fillers or their combinations), nasolabial folds which run from each side of the nose to the corners of the mouth and are a consequence of sagging cheeks, lip lines (the so-called smoker’s lines), lines at the corners of your mouth, a horizontal chin line. These are dynamic wrinkles which form as a consequence of repeated muscle contractions. You can also opt for hyaluronic dermal fillers if you want to fill up static wrinkles which are a consequence of natural aging process, if you want to correct minor scars on your face, or if you want a minor nose correction. They are perfect for face contouring and correcting the jaw line by which you can really achieve a non-surgical facelift.

What are the most common hyaluronic dermal filler treatments?

The most common hyaluronic dermal filler treatments include filling up nasolabial folds and lips. These treatments, which can be performed in our dental office, give you a brighter smile and enhance the appearance of the lower third of your face. According to research it is precisely that part of the face, lips and teeth that attract most attention when you first meet someone!

At what age can you start applying hyaluronic dermal fillers?

The treatment with hyaluronic dermal fillers can start with the creation of the first pronounced wrinkles. In some cases, it starts at an early age (late 20s), and in some later, depending on the genetics and lifestyle (smoking, lack of sleep, rest, daily stress). A lot of young women opt for hyaluronic dermal fillers in their early 20s to add volume to their lips and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

What is the procedure for applying hyaluronic dermal fillers?

  • The treatment starts with the initial examination by which we primarily determine whether there are indications for hyaluronic dermal fillers, followed by the discussion of desired aesthetic effects and appointment scheduling.
  • Before the treatment it is necessary to remove make-up and apply a local anaesthetic or anaesthetic cream to relieve the injection stings. About 30 minutes after it has been applied, the anaesthetic is removed and the face is cleaned so the application of hyaluronic dermal fillers can start.
  • When the local anaesthetic starts working, the filler is injected using small, thin needles or special cannulas.
  • After the filler has been applied, the treated area is massaged, and if necessary, an ice pack can also be applied.
  • In about 2 weeks after the treatment the filling substance will fully settle and final results will be visible. A check-up is then recommended to see whether any corrections should be made.

How long does the application take?

The whole procedure of applying hyaluronic dermal fillers depends on the area treated, and the amount of the filler applied, so it may last between 30 and 60 minutes.

Is applying hyaluronic dermal fillers painful?

During the treatment you may feel mild pain if the aesthetic cream has been applied beforehand, or no pain at all in the case of the local anaesthetic application.

When can effects of application be seen?

The effects of applying hyaluronic dermal fillers are visible immediately after the treatment, but the final results can be seen in 2 weeks’ time.

When is the treatment NOT recommended?

The treatment with hyaluronic dermal fillers is not recommended for patients with bleeding disorders and patients taking thrombolytics or anticoagulants. Fillers cannot be applied in or near the areas with active skin diseases such as inflammation, infection or tumours.

What to think about before applying hyaluronic dermal fillers?

If a particular area has already been treated with a certain dermal filler, it is recommended to reapply the same filler or wait until it has been resorbed. After its resorption, some other filler can be applied.

If laser treatment, chemical peel, or any other procedure based on active dermal response is considered after the treatment, there is a theoretical risk of an inflammatory reaction at the treatment site.

Dermal filler treatments should be avoided for about 2 weeks after dental treatments.

Dermal fillers have not been tested on pregnant or breastfeeding women.

What are the side effects of hyaluronic dermal fillers?

After applying hyaluronic dermal fillers there is a possibility of appearance of redness, swelling, pain, itching, bruising, sensitivity and lumps at the injection site. The redness usually disappears in a few hours after the injection, while mild bruising and hematoma disappear within 3-7 days. It is recommended to treat the hematoma by applying ice packs or some cream which can also be used one day before and five days after the filler injection (in agreement with the general practitioner) in the case of patients prone to hematoma formation. The appearance of hematoma is also possible in patients who take substances that affect platelet function, such as aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In patients prone to herpes, it is recommended (in agreement with the general practitioner) to take antiviral drugs one day before and a few days after the treatment. Among more serious side effects, there are allergic reactions which are pretty rare and skin necrosis. Those side effects are extremely rare.

What to do after applying hyaluronic dermal fillers?

After the treatment it is recommended to avoid saunas, sun exposure, going to a solarium or pressing part of the face that has been treated. If recommended by a doctor, the treated area can be massaged gently when covered by a sterile dressing.

How long does the effect of the treatment last?

Due to dermal filler resorption, the effect of the treatment lasts about 6-12 months, so reapplying filler is recommended after 6 months to maintain the desired effect.

Why choose to have hyaluronic dermal fillers applied in OUR practice?

  1. We have years of experience in applying hyaluronic dermal fillers.
  2. We try to make you feel comfortable and relaxed in our clinic,without any fear.
  3. We respect your wishes and try to fulfil them completely.
  4. Our goal is to achieve a natural and aesthetically perfect result of correction and rejuvenation.
  5. Applying hyaluronic dermal fillers will be painless and safe, we will do our best to make it as comfortable as possible and our service as good.
  6. Your “before and after“ photos of hyaluronic dermal filler application will be preserved.
  7. At any moment we are available to you for advice and consultation via mobile phone, e-mail and social media.
  8. We try to keep our appointments.
  9. You can pay in cash, but also in interest free instalments: American Express up to 12 instalments, Diners up to 6 instalments, Erste & Steiermärkische bank Maestro and MasterCard up to 12 instalments.
  10. There is free parking in front of the practice.

If we meet your criteria, feel free to contact us and make an appointment.

If these pages do not provide you with an answer to your question on hyaluronic dermal fillers, dental health and dental services, feel free to contact us.


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